Yep, that's right. My first night in Kuwait at the Military Compound and I see a black cat running near the tents. I made it safely into Kuwait after a 13 hour flight from Atlanta, GA. Nestled perfectly between men, I settled in for my overseas flight into the Middle East. The gentleman on my right was Mohammed from Kuwait. A fine Kuwaiti who spoke fluent English and offered interesting tidbits about his mother country. On my left was an Army soldier, returning to Afghanistan after his two week break. He loved eating pistachios and spent most of his time with his hat covering his eyes, in a deep sleep. We landed before 6pm on Friday, 9 Jan 09 and walked through the main entry of the airport to collect our bags. After stacking four large bags onto the cart, a Kuwaiti cart pusher helped me get my bags to the main entrance where we met up with the Marine liaison. Boy did I feel one hundred eyes staring at me!! Did I have something funny on my clothes, was my hair messed up? The only other female with me reassured me that they were looking because we were American Females. A different breed of woman!!
Well, we are now at a military base in Kuwait, awaiting a flight to Afghanistan. The favorite saying for this interim period is, "Eat until you are sleepy, and sleep until you are hungry!" Well, I made it to the gym today but by 4pm was unable to keep my lids open so it was time for a little nap. Jean, thank you soooo much for the eye mask. It really helped on the plane and in the tent we are staying in that has the lights on all day and night. Now if I could only get super earplugs to block out the sound of footsteps, laughs, and the generator outside running all electricity. All is well here. Take care.
I'm so glad to read about what you're doing and how you're experiencing everything. I'll be keeping you in my prayers and continue reading your words until you are safely home.
You are so welcome! Glad to hear that it's coming in handy. Thanks for sending me the link of your blog. I'm excited to be able to keep up with you while you're out of country. You're in my thoughts constantly. Stay safe! Love you!